
Buy a Brick at the Gem
The sidewalk areas in front of the Gem Theatre & Star Saloon will be custom paved using engraved pavers with the names of the donor(s) who donated each one! What a great way to leave your mark on the project. The pavers are 8" x 12" and will be engraved with 1" letters. There is a maximum of 4 lines available per paver with 13 character spaces per line.
The example shown is for style of lettering only. The final product will only have 4 available lines of text. When you fill out the Donation Form, download the form from the link below and put the lettering exactly as you want it to be on the paver. Each line will be automatically centered and you can have no more than 13 characters per line . Once filled in, please e-mail the form to BRICK LAYOUT MANAGER. The Hodaka Club donor pavers will be placed in front of the Star Saloon/Hodaka museum while the theatre/auditorium donors will be placed in front of that compartment. You need to specify which area you are requesting. If no request is made, the default location will be in the theatre area. We are charging $135 per paver which includes the engraving. We are accepting funds for these on a first come, first served basis. Our goal is to have the entire sidewalk with pavers installed in time for Hodaka Days 2015 at the end of June. If all pavers are sold, after expenses Gem Theater project will net $52,000.00! engraved they will be there for the next few centuries! Remember - your brick's lettering cannot be changed after it is engraved. Use the template below to set out how you want it laid out: You can also download a copy of a mail in order form HERE: